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The Chaffee County Extension office provides assistance and programs for citizens in five main areas: Agriculture, Horticulture, Family and Consumer Science, Natural Resources and 4-H Youth Programs.

Volunteer Enrollment   arrow


There are five* required steps to becoming a Colorado 4-H volunteer in Chaffee County:

  1. Contact Rebecca Sheriff ( or 719-539-6447) to begin the process.
  2. Complete the online application. The application will be completed through 4HOnline, our state 4-H database. Here is a screenshot of what the 4HOnline Volunteer Application looks like.
  3. Receive two positive references.
  4. Complete the background check.
  5. Complete an online 4-H orientation.

*There may be additional requirements depending on the volunteer position that you are applying for.

What’s next? After you have completed the four steps of the screening process, you will be notified by the county Extension office that your screening is complete. Your name will be activated in 4HOnline, our state database. Upon being accepted as a 4-H volunteer, you will meet with your county 4-H staff to discuss volunteer opportunities. Volunteers are the Heart of 4-H! Thank you for sharing your time and talent with Colorado youth. We look forward to you joining the 4-H team!

4-H Online Orientation:

The online e-Learning modules are designed to help adults become familiar with Colorado 4-H Youth Development programs.

The course has four components:

  • Lesson 1: Volunteer Roles & Relationships
  • Lesson 2: A Safe & Inclusive Environment
  • Lesson 3: Promoting Positive Youth Development
  • Lesson 4: Introduction to Experiential Learning

The online course does not need to be completed in one sitting but the overall training will take approximately 1 hour to complete. All four components must be completed to obtain the e-Learning certificate. Contact your local county 4-H Extension Agent for the county password.

Accessing the e-Learning Modules:

Contact county agent to receive instructions. Completion of this course does not guarantee your acceptance as a volunteer with Colorado State University Extension, 4-H Youth Development Programs.

 If you don’t have Internet access to apply to become a 4-H leader, please contact the Chaffee County Extension Office for assistance.